What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall

Genre: Thriller
Format: Hardcover, Print
Pages: 319
Ashley's Start Date: January 15, 2023
Ashley's End Date: January 18, 2023
Hannah's Start Date: January 26, 2023
Hannah's End Date: February 3, 2023
Our Ratings
Overall: ★★★★★
Character Development: ★★★★★
Ending: ★★★★★
Suspense Level: ðŸ”ªðŸ”ªðŸ”ªðŸ”ªðŸ”ª
Tear Jerk-ability: 💧
Readability: Easy, Quick Read
Tiggers: Mental Health

Summary In My Words

Naomi is a wedding photographer from a small town. A town that no matter how far away she gets from, she can't seem to fully escape. When Naomi's best friends childhood, Casa & Liv, call & asks her to meet she reluctantly returns to the place she desperately wanted to leave behind. 

Secrets tied up tight start to unravel. One by one Naomi learns the truth of what happened the summer where everything in her life had changed. 

My Thoughts - Contains Spoilers, Continue at Your Own Risk

Ashley's Review -

This book was a GREAT way to start off joining the Book of the Month subscriptions & honestly it might be hard to beat because just WOW - I literally loved this book. 

Part of what I love about thrillers is guessing as I receive information. This. Book. Kept. Me. Guessing. & I LOVED it! I was totally wrong, then I was right, wrong again, half right. It was fantastic. It can't be boring this way. Predictable isn't always bad in my opinion, but boring is. I also apperciate a book that can get to the damn point - there is such thing as TOO MUCH information. It's like when people lie & add way too many details - you lose me. This book was fast paced, interesting, & I'd totally reccomend it!

I wish I had more to say about it, but I find myself struggling to find the words other than "you have to read it". So with that said, go read it so we can talk about it!

I also think someone needs to pick this up & make it a show! I'd totally watch it.

Hannah's Review -

Wow, wow, wow! Honestly, it's been a LONG time since I have read a thriller that has held my attention and captured me in such a way as this book did. Like Ashely, this also was my first Book of the Month subscription pick, and it was so good that it makes me excited to see what else they recommend. 

Some things that make a Goode thriller, for me, are enough twist and turns to keep me on my toes (without overloading me or making my head spin), as well as some kind of unpredictability factor. Sometimes thrillers can be all the same, and this one definitely wasn't. I did predict the "who done it" part of the book, yet there was so much more meat to this book that even guessing "right" had me shocked at the ending. I'm the kind of person that you have to keep my attention. As Ashley said, too much information, slow beginnings or mid-sections, taking too long to get to the point, all things that just lose me. I enjoy reading but I'm not going to waste my time doing it and this book definitely does NOT! I don't want to sound cliche, but I literally was on the edge of my seat this entire book! 

Another aspect which I appreciated about this book is that the ending wasn't the perfect scenario ending for Naomi. Sometimes, books tend to be too focused on the "everybody wins" which makes it feel almost unrealistic. Don't get me wrong, I like a bit of fantasy as much as the next guy, but this gave me a sense of reality while also giving me hope for Naomi and her "perfect ending". All I can say is BRAVO Kate Alice Marshall!

I also agree with Ashley... MAKE THIS A SHOW!

We're Curious

  1. Naomi is from a small town, one she seemingly has tried to escape but can't quite shake. Do you think it was harder for her to leave completely because of her connection with her friends Cass & Liv or do you think she found it more difficult to hide outside of Chester?

  2. What were you thinking when you found out Ethan was Stahl's son? Did you think that he targeted Naomi to somehow exact his revenge?

  3. Naomi's Dad doesn't seem to be there for her at all during her childhood, were you surprised when he told her that he sobered up following her first attack?

  4. When you read the news, did you think Liv really killed herself or did you immediately think it was murder?

  5. Were you at all surprised at the ending? By the people involved VS maybe what you were thinking (if it was different from the outcome)?

Ashley's Next BookThe Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

Hannah's Next BookThe Christie Affair by Nina de Gramont


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